港区無料歯科健診「お口の健診」のご案内 Oral Health Examination for Minato City residents
🦷🦷 国際歯科六本木は「お口の健診」指定歯科医療機関です。🦷🦷
「お口の健診」は20歳以上の港区民のための無料歯科健診です。 ※妊婦の方は、20歳未満でも受診できます。
実施期間:《前期》 令和3年6月1日から令和8月31日《後期》 令和3年11月から令和4年1月31日
“Oral Health Examination Pre-Screening Information “
Eligibility : Minato City residents of age 20 years and above as of March 31 2021 ※Expectant mothers who are below 20 years old may also undergo the examination.
Period of screening [Twice a year ]《First half year》 June 1st, 2021 – August 31st, 2021 《Second half year》 November 1st, 2021 – March 31st, 2022
Screening process : Call us or visit our website to make an appointment, and indicate that you wish to receive the Oral health examination. Please remember to bring along the Examination Form for screening.
Contents of screening : Interview, teeth examination, saliva test, etc. ※Does not include treatment, scaling, etc
東京国際歯科 六本木
星野 美智枝